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Top 4 Facts about the Great Wall of China

By fenil jalodara

The wall was built to protect and unite territories of Chinese states and empires against various nomadic groups of the steppe.

The wall is made up of earth and stone, it stretches from the China seaport of Shanhaiguan into Gansu province.

The wall was built to overlap in some strategic sections of the wall for maximum security.

The Great Wall of China became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in December 1987.

The wall is the longest man-made structure in the world, with a total length of about 13170.7 miles (21,196.19 km). 

Read more on the best cities to visit in ChinaHere are the top 10 facts about the Great Wall of China.

1. The Great Wall was built for more than 1800 Years

When Emperor Qin Shi Huang took over the neighbouring territories in 221 BCE and made it the Qin Dynasty, He started constructing a 5,000-kilometer wall to protect his newfound territory.

It was a common feature to have walls erected around Chinese territories to protect the citizens from enemy invasions. 

The walls date back to the 8th century BCE when barriers were put up to keep away nomadic armies. 

Dynasties that took over would continue with the work and fortified their territories even more.

The Great Wall of China is largely credited to the Ming Dynasty which created the most recognized segments of the wall between the 14th and 17th centuries.

2. The Great Wall is made up of several walls

By fenil jalodara

Most people believe that the Great Wall of China is one continuous wall.

The wall is made up of more than 20,000-kilometers of walls that stretch from the northern border of Ancient and Imperial Chinese territories.

It is made up of walls that are seamless in different sections. The sections were built by different dynasties over a period using stones and other substances. 

3. Sticky rice was used in the construction of the wall

The wall was built with stones and earth, a more important part of the construction was the glutinous rice.

The sticky rice was used as the mortar due to its adhesive property. Studies have shown that the sticky substance of the rice is behind the endurance and strength of the wall.

It helped fix the bricks in place and held the bricks together so tightly that weeds cannot grow in many parts.

4. The wall was built by Chinese prisoners

By fenil jalodara


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